Monday 3 November 2014

First-Time Blogger

Hey Everyone :),

I am new to the scene of blogging but my infinite love for food and sharing good food led me to start up this blog! I hope that through my blog, I can show you guys some of the best restaurants in Taiwan and hopefully, all around the world in the future :).

Taiwan is an island with exponential talent and amazing food, however, not many people may know about it. Thus, I wanted to create a platform to advertise and promote the food in Taiwan and through this, it may entice more people to visit Taiwan and experience the cuisine for themselves!

So...a little about me before we get started. I was born in Taiwan but moved to Scotland from an early age. I grew up in Scotland but I would come back and visit Taiwan every year. The food in Taiwan was one of the things that I missed most when I was in Scotland and I would always be super excited when I was coming back to go back to my favourite eats. 

I recently moved back to Taiwan and I have tried out so many great restaurants that I feel that it would be unfair if I didn't share my finds with you guys!

I hope you guys enjoy my posts and have a try at the restaurants I recommend :)!

If you like my posts then please comment and share some of your favourite restaurants so that I can try!

Let's get started!

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